The Frights

The Frights’ birth in December 2012, was an accident that now unites moms worldwide. One mom in San Diego has called the band, “Great! A fun mix of the rock n’ roll I used to love with the 50’s sounds MY mom used to love!” Another mom in Los Angeles praises the band, saying, “I hire a babysitter to go to all their shows. They just have so much youthful energy, they make me feel young too!”

Moms everywhere enjoy the band’s two self-produced EPs, their one full-length record, and even their split EP and singles, embarrassing their sons and daughters with their enthusiasm toward a band that is at least half, sometimes a third, of their age. Some of their most popular songs among moms include “Beach Porn,” “Crust Bucket,” and “Makeout Point.”

Ostensibly, The Frights are great for long drives in a Honda Odyssey. Their second full-length was produced by FIDLAR’s Zac Carper and will be released soon.